Wednesday, April 9, 2014

At the risk of sounding like an absentee voter, one who is lost in a forest somewhere, I'd like to welcome me back. Some of my writing has necessitated a website, which I don't got. Some of my latest attempts have been back in the 'It was a dark and stormy night' zone, you know, bad, or at least, bad on purpose. I looked up my presence on line and it is pathetic and scattered. All the books have their own place, webpage or whatever. Me, I'm on LiveJournal but not posting, Facebook and very active there, and at BecHavn Press, individual pages just like on Amazon. This may have to do, because while I can do well the few things I can do, the rest of the enchanted wonderland that is hyperspace is a complete mystery to me. A huh and what the hell is that mystery.

In the works are: 'A Gay Pirate's Tale' through BecHavn, and 'Ghosties and Girlies' though Amazon's CreateSpace. The books that are already 'out there' are 'Last Year's Leaves', 'Mending Rainbows', 'Cabin Boy', 'Finding Avalon', 'As I Am', and the two short story books of 'Out is In' and 'Books, Dogs and the Sea'. I also have a short story coming out in Ebook form via JMS, in July.

The weather here on Maui has been windy, and wet. I haven't been in the water snorkeling in a month. I've been doing battle with prescriptions and various body things that shall remain nameless but none the less gang up on me periodically.

Robyn has been selected for an hour for her massive volunteer work. All I'm doing is two hours a week at the little Friends of the Library book store in a former boys' bathroom out in the cane field. Other than the bugs and mildew, I love it.

Look at me!:

Le wow.

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