Thursday, May 1, 2014


I put the word fish in the title to lure people in. Snicker. A friend posted that picture of a wheelchair rolling down a hill into a crocodile; her daughter commented, 'Hey Mom, can we try this?' hence the crocodile and my morning laugh out loud and scare the neighbors. Sharks? No reason, why? Other than I've seen the fins just offshore on my walks. I can walk along the beach halfway to the library. The library is almost to Starbucks.  Starbucks has cookies.

I put a coffee shop and cookie into one of my stories. I don't know what to call the cookie to make it sound embarrassing when they call it out to the 'hero', my usual 17'ish gay boy. Oh god, I just realized what the cookies currently at my favorite coffee shop, could - resemble. To a gay boy.

Yesterday I conquered the art of procrastination. I am now your master. I got so much other stuff done, it's amazing.

Oh, fish! I'm deleting my thousands of bad fish pictures. I've only been snorkeling about a year and a half; and it stills scares me, but I do it. Having a camera along distracts me; having digital means shoot at anything that holds still long enough. I've seen three octopi, one ray, many turtles, eels, and of course, fish. My favorite place to go, 'Dumps', is a marine preserve.

I am a Canon freak but am intrigued by the GoPro cameras. Any ideas?

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Super Human

The title does not refer to me. Yesterday I went snorkeling. This is sometimes awesome, often frightening, and somewhat generally way the hell out of my comfort zone, which is something you're supposed to do periodically. It's good for you! So is cabbage but I hate that too.

Today I saw the dermatologist. He said I'm perfect. My barista said the only person who ever said he was perfect was his mother. I wisely said nothing, though I tried. Saved by the next customer, not by any common sense I may or may not have.

I am procrastinating. You can help me do this by never visiting this page. There were 22 views last month and before that over 300. Apparently this month I have turned into chopped liver. Thanks so much.

I have three short stories I intend to offer to two different online epublishers. The first time I did this they snapped it up. This put terror in my heart and paralysis in my motivation. This is backwards.

Sunday we went on the Trilogy's Blue'Aina, which is a boat trip to a reef we snorkel or dive at and clean up. We also get breakfast and lunch and it's a reasonable charge, plus the profits go to a different nonprofit each time. It's awesome. I admitted to one of the crew that I do it but I'm still somewhat scared every time. While I was out in the water, I happened to come up near him, where he was sitting on a surfboard watching, and I dunno, I guess if you ever felt really protected and taken care of, that would express how I felt. Besides the fact that I probably look like a frog fish when I'm in snorkel gear, but that's beside the point.


It's no secret that we moved five or so years ago from a big house on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State to a 640 square foot condo on Maui, 300 feet from the ocean. Yes, there are downsides as well as pluses and right now one of the noisy ones is approaching our door for the third time today; yard boy with a weed-blower. One which is belching exhaust befitting a drag race between the two worst-kept old cars you could find, driven by betel-nut chewing drunks. He's on his hands and knees with this device.

It's no secret either that I can't concentrate at the best of times. Right now I'm doing this and I'll tell you why* in a minute (if I remember), adding music to my IPod which deleted itself last week, doing some online shopping, looking to see if my two current favorite bands (The Protomen and the Raveonettes) have new music out (no, dammit) and backing up files AND weeding photos AND procrastinating uploading stories to several hopeful markets. I mean I'm hopeful.

Fellow writer (but probably better and certainly more computer savvy and professional) Andrew Jericho is sponsoring me on his page as of tomorrow, for which I'm very grateful. See here*:

I barely know how to update this page. Or get to my gmail, however, if you want to talk to me or tell me how terrific I am, you can find me on Facebook too. I have no secrets and I'm friendly, most of the time.

Yesterday there was a turtle on the beach, resting. Of course nobody knew why it was there and at least six different people called other different people to let the 'pros' know. They already knew so were not returning calls so .... well it got complicated. Three other turtles were hanging around as well. Two of the people I talked to were beach-dwellers (as opposed to 'homeless'), one from Austria and one from the Ukraine 'via Canada'. The turtle - she in this case - had suffered a huge bite where one flipper goes into the body but it is, per the experts, healing well.

I feel a trip to Starbucks is in my immediate future and I promise to get at least one story sent off today. I may share my 'real' life with the world here and on Facebook (and as little in person as possible, talk about your introvert), but I also need and deserve to share my fictional life as well.

That said, go do something nice for yourself, because no matter where or when you are along your own path, (insert really important and helpful comment here) - you deserve the best - and you ARE that best. Trust me on that - and trust yourself, too.

Monday, April 14, 2014


I posted yesterday and it disappeared. Story of my life. Today I'm off to the bookstore where I actually throw books in the dumpster. Isn't that an awful concept? But if they're moldy, mildewed and home to bugs, out they go. It amazes me that on a small island like this, there are always more books, but then, there are also always more cats too. The best part is finding treasures that never seem to show up in the 'real' bookstores, including well written young adult novels. You can tell when one is patronizing or preaching, and when one is educational and open.

One of our local homeless, 'Shades', has written a screenplay which he hopes to get funding for. In the meantime he's trying to film a scene to put up online. Yesterday he told me, laughing at himself, that as he was being filmed another friend of his came up and loudly announced, "I got food poisoning at Fred's (a local Mexican restaurant) last night." On camera. Shades' idea of going to the beach includes his guitar and a bag of weed, but he's still funny as hell.

Saturday, April 12, 2014


To clarify last post, Robyn has been honored to be chosen as the volunteer of the year for all the National Marine Whale Sanctuary sites.

This is my birthday week and I celebrate as long as I can. Today I ordered a shirt for myself. It's on clearance LOL. I also wrote three flash fiction stories - all around 975 words. At least I'm consistent, no? I'll get those organized and submitted this weekend.

Our side of Maui has been windy and sunny lately, though rain has been a frequent guest, unusually frequent. We may or may not get to go snorkeling tomorrow. Here's something magical for you.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

At the risk of sounding like an absentee voter, one who is lost in a forest somewhere, I'd like to welcome me back. Some of my writing has necessitated a website, which I don't got. Some of my latest attempts have been back in the 'It was a dark and stormy night' zone, you know, bad, or at least, bad on purpose. I looked up my presence on line and it is pathetic and scattered. All the books have their own place, webpage or whatever. Me, I'm on LiveJournal but not posting, Facebook and very active there, and at BecHavn Press, individual pages just like on Amazon. This may have to do, because while I can do well the few things I can do, the rest of the enchanted wonderland that is hyperspace is a complete mystery to me. A huh and what the hell is that mystery.

In the works are: 'A Gay Pirate's Tale' through BecHavn, and 'Ghosties and Girlies' though Amazon's CreateSpace. The books that are already 'out there' are 'Last Year's Leaves', 'Mending Rainbows', 'Cabin Boy', 'Finding Avalon', 'As I Am', and the two short story books of 'Out is In' and 'Books, Dogs and the Sea'. I also have a short story coming out in Ebook form via JMS, in July.

The weather here on Maui has been windy, and wet. I haven't been in the water snorkeling in a month. I've been doing battle with prescriptions and various body things that shall remain nameless but none the less gang up on me periodically.

Robyn has been selected for an hour for her massive volunteer work. All I'm doing is two hours a week at the little Friends of the Library book store in a former boys' bathroom out in the cane field. Other than the bugs and mildew, I love it.

Look at me!:

Le wow.