Ahem. Obviously I haven't been here in five years... and I have no excuse. I do have a writing page on Facebook that I update a bit more often, cough cough, https://www.facebook.com/EmeryWrites/ and you're welcome to come over there. Try not to get too excited; I'm really boring in real life. Well people tell me I'm funny but quite a few times it's when I'm not even trying, so I dunno, man....
Now: if you give me a theme I can give you a story in five hours or less. That's about it; the extent of my talents. And as a transman who transitioned late in life, I don't even have the support of my grown kids; I don't think they like me much either. Since I write about trans, gay, lesbian and recovery, that doesn't resonate with them. I think you have to have suffered to find the hope and humor in my writing to be interesting and helpful. I hope so anyway, cuz that's all I got to offer.
Most of my Ebooks are with JMS and I'm very grateful to them for making it as easy as possible. Give it a try yourself; you've thought about writing haven't you? Sure you have. I also have by now, uh, six novels and three books of short stories, or something like that, in paper. And my autobiography has been sailing around to publishers for almost exactly a year now; with no success or interest whatsoever. I doubt it's that boring, though there's no sex in it to 'sell!' it. And MTFs with issues are all the rage.